alexross422003's zone

Sentinel 12
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Comic Books

The Last issue (for now).......

Well....this is it. The last issue of Sentinel. If you've been on the site a lot then you know how much I love the series. Is the ending any good?
Sentinel 12 continues the tale of Juston Seyfert, an average teenager who stumbled into a giant robot. This robot was used for good and bad. However, he's feeling a little guilty for using the sentinel in a way that gave him instant popularity. This issue shows what Juston is finally doing with the sentinel and the review of the events in the past 11 issues.
The dialogue and characterization are flawless. The art tells the story well with well-drawn emotions and characters. To be honest, there's nothing wrong with this comic(except that this is the last issue) :(  .
Overall, Sentinel 12 is a great last issue. The dialogue, characterization, and art remain strong as always. The only now for Sentinel to survive is if the graphic novels sell. 5* out of  5*

Comic Facts:
Writer-Sean McKeever