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Games: Reviews- Gamecube- Animal Crossing (GC) Beyond Good and Evil (GC) Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg(GC) Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde (GC) I-Ninja (GC) NBA 2k3 (GC) NFL Street (GC) SSX 3 (GC) Time Splitters 2(GC) Tony Hawk Underground (GC) Comic Books: Reviews- Amazing Spiderman 512 Avengers 503 Bone Vol. 1:Out From Boneville Bone Vol. 2:The Great Cow Race Bone Vol. 3:Eyes of the Storm Daisy Kutter:The Last Train 1 Detective Comics 801 Identity Crisis 1 JLA:League of One JLA: The Nail Marvel Knights Spiderman 3 Marvel Knights Spiderman 8 Mary Jane 1 Mystique 14 Mystique 15 Mystique 20 New X-Men 155 Pet Shop of Horrors Vol. 1 Runaways 1 Runaways 13 Runaways 14 Runaways 15 Runaways 16 Runaways 17 Runaways 18 Sentinel 2 Sentinel 7 Sentinel 12 Spectacular Spiderman 14 Superman 209 Superman/Batman 10 Ultimates vol. 2 1 Ultimate X-Men 46 Ultimate X-Men 47 Uncanny X-Men 445 Wolverine:SNIKT! 3