Eventually, alexross422003 decided to work with a friend on a site that they started. After a few times working
on the site, alexross422003 decided to work for another site, that the same friend abandoned. So after months of 0 updates
to that site, alexross422003 decided to start a column called:Memory Cards and Superpowers. This column was dedicated to alexross422003's
opinions about comics and games. On May 2004, alexross422003 celebrated the anniversary of his site with many reviews and
more info about the comics and games that he reviewed.
Attention! I can't do reviews most of the time so this site doesn't receive many updates. That's were you come in.
1.Mild Language can be used,but only a little hint of some stong language.
2.Don't make it too long or too short just explain why you liked it. Detail is a plus!
3.Rate between 0-5*
0 being garbage and 5 being Excellent.
4. Watch the content you put in it.
5. If the game or comic you're reviewing is already on the site then your review might not be posted (With a few exceptions).
6. The first, well-written review for a video game, graphic novel, or comic book will be posted on the site.
7. If you want this review for one of your sites then you must ONLY as a link
8. List who made what you're reviewing. For a game, list the publisher and the developer. For comics, you can list the
writer and the penciller,but if you add more people like the inker, colorist, or letterer, then that's fine as well.
9.End your review with a recap of your thoughts and a final ranking (see 3.)
10. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE use a nickname.
The spefics for different reviews:
1.Must talk about the purpose that the player assumes in the game.
2.Talk in detail about the controls,gameplay, sound and graphics.
3.At this time no PC reviews will be accepted
4.Add what the ESRB rating is for the game and who published and developed the game.
5. The Console Key translates as:
PS2-Playstation 2
GBA-Gameboy Advance
DS-Nintendo DS
1. Talk about the main plot of the comic.
2. Express in detail:dialogue, characterization, art, plot.
3. What did you like? What did you not like?