NBA 2K3 is part of the NBA 2K, now known as the Espn Basketball franchise, was the last to be made for the Gamecube.
This is considered one of the best basketball video game series on the market. So I wondered when I received it any
There are several modes in NBA 2K3. This includes modes such as:
- Street-Where you choose who you want on your team and face a team made of players you or your friend has chosen.
- Quick Game-Where you choose which teams you and your opponnet will have.
This game also allows you to create your own players and teams.
NBA 2K3's controls are quite responive with it's nice button layout. The Create-A-Player mode is also quite in-depth. There
is also plenty of depth featured in the Franchise mode. You are given options from signing players to training rookies.
The street mode is too easy to defeat in this game. When shooting free-throws for the first time, it is a tad bit difficult.
Sometimes when you are passing the ball, the animations and the physics don't seem to match. There also is a lot of collision
detection in the game. But the biggest problem about this game is that it is occasionly buggy!
Overall, NBA 2K3 is a fun game. It may have a few flaws, but if you can overlook it then you're going to have a great
time. I'm kind of dissapointed that a sequel is not on the Gamecube. This receives 4* out of 5*