alexross422003's zone

Runaways 14
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Well, this is a first. I actually reviewed the next issue of a comic. Imagine that!

For those of you who read my review of Runaways 13, you know that I absolutely loved it! So when the next issue was released, you know I had to be there. So was it any good? Not at all, folk's.
To recap the story from last issue, the leader of the Runaways, Alex, has just translated the first few chapters of an encrypted book on the history of the Pride. They discover that the Gibborim, an ancient group of giants, have called upon twelve people (their parents) to help them to destroy the world. In exchange, six of them will receive eternal life. Their parents decide to make their children the six who will live forever. However, the police have now found them and it looks like time is up.
The strong point of this issue would be the conversations. From the Runaways to the members of the Pride, the dialogue fortells of the future events that will take place in future issues. Adrian Alphona and the rest of the art staff on this book did a fantastic job. The storytelling is told well with great pencils and colors. To be honest there is nothing bad about this comic except that the next issue will arrive in a month.
Overall, Vaughan continues to impress. He is able to continue the momentum from the last issue with ease. The art in this comic continues to be solid, all around. I can not wait for issue 15! This receives 5* out of 5*