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Superman/Batman 10
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Superman/Batman is one of DC's most popular comic books right now. The past few issues have seen the art of Michael Turner grace the pages. However, the comic hasn't been good since issue 3. So does this issue change that?
In the previous issue, Wonder Woman had just taken Kara Zor-El under her wing. Superman doesn't seem so happy about this and demands that Kara goes back into his care. Batman is still attempting to convince Superman that Kara may not be what she seems. Meanwhile, Darkseid begins to show interest in Kara.
Michael Turner produces a visual gem in this book. From the battles to the regular conversations, Turner has succeeded in the art department. Jeph Loeb does a decent job of making the reader care for most of the characters.
On the downside, Superman doesn't seem to have any common sense. From the time he interferes with Kara's battle to the absence of the thought that Kara has superhearing when he begins to have a private conversation with Batman and Wonder Woman, makes it feel as if the writer is attempting to move the plot without considering the reader's thoughts about the characters.
Superman/Batman 10 is a disapointment. Even with Turner's stunning visuals, this comic can't hold on it's own. Hopefully, Loeb's dialogue and characterization will improve. This comic receives 3* out of 5*

Comic Facts:
Writer-Jeph Loeb
Artist-Michael Turner
