alexross422003's zone

Uncanny X-Men 445
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"If this comic represents the direction the comic is taking, then I think Uncanny X-Men will be one of the best comics by year's end."

When the entire X-Men:Reload first began, I was a little worried about Uncanny X-Men because it has been doing well for the past two years. Then Chris Claremont's first issue on the title arrived and I was more confident about the comic. However, the comic never seemed to grow beyond mediocrity. Now, Uncanny X-Men 445 has hit the stands and the question remains: Can Uncanny X-Men be any good?
Nightcrawler and Wolverine have arrived to save a group of children in a burning high school. Unfortunately, they go in to save them without the authorities on the scene, after a question of credibility is raised by the police on the scene. Meanwhile, another part of the X-Men has traveled to Britain to meet with their old friend, Brian Braddock. However, a dark threat awaits for them at Brian's house.
Once again, Alan Davis delivers the story well, with his great pencils. Davis manages to fit his style with the story perfectly. Claremont, however, was the biggest surprise of all. He manages to make the X-Men believable, which doesn't seem to happen most of the time. The characters go through their problems as a real person. All of this, a growing threat which may spell doom for the team. The only problem is that I personally have little knowledge of the villain, which has made an appearance in the Captain Britain mini-series.
Overall, Claremont delivered his best X-Men comic in a while. With Davis' pencils and his characterization, Uncanny X-Men has turned from being the worst comic out, to one of the finest. If this comic represents the direction the comic is taking, then I think Uncanny X-Men will be one of the best comics by year's end. This comic receives 4.5* out of 5*

Comic Facts:
Writer-Chris Claremont
Penciller-Alan Davis