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Identity Crisis 1
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"Overall, Identity Crisis 1 has lived up to all of the hype. It's a well-crafted story with a great mystery surrounding it."

A couple of months ago, DC anounced a new mini-series by Brad Meltzer called, Identity Crisis. Months later, DC had hyped the comic and the one thing on issue 1's cover: a coffin. So when I first picked up Identity Crisis 1, I was quite interested in the comic itself. After all, a comic written by Brad Meltzer, who had a nice run on Green Arrow, along with an interesting mystery seemed like a great idea. Well, was it?
I can't go into the plot much, because if I did it would ruin the entire story. Let me just say that surrounding the death of that-who-won't-be-named, is a big secret within the superhero community. That's all I can give you.
Meltzer does a great job with the pacing of this book. The comic will shift from scene to scene often, but it doesn't feel as if you're being dragged all over the place for no apparent reason. With a great sense of tragedy felt in this book, along with some strong characterization, Meltzer has weaved a great tale for the reader. Rags Morales pencils do a great job of telling the story, with great detail in facial expressions,but his work comes out a little plain, even with great colors.
There are 2 downsides to Identity Crisis 1:price and hype. With a price tag of $4, it feels a little overpriced, and may force some to wait for the trade. Those who read the story may feel a little disappointed with the story due to the hype.
Overall, Identity Crisis 1 has lived up to all of the hype. It's a well-crafted story with a great mystery surrounding it. As Brad Meltzer has tried to tell people about this comic:It's more about who killed the victim than who is the victim. Even with Morales plain pencils, this comic still a great joy to behold. This comic receives 4.5* out of 5*

Comic Facts:
Writer-Brad Meltzer
Penciller-Rags Morales