I'm not going to lie to you-I LOVE reading the Ultimates. Sadly, the last issue that was released
about a year ago. Thankfully, another issue of the Ultimates has been released, and I was a tad bit excited. So when I read
the first issue of the title's relaunch, would I like it?
It's been one year since we last saw the Ultimates. Captain America (Steve Rogers) and the Wasp (Jane Pym) have
been seeing each other-even if Giant Man (Hank Pym) is still married to her. Meanwhile, Thor receives an important that will
change his perceptions of everything and one secret reveals something important to the public.
I must first say, Mark Millar can write a mean comic. He manages to make me interested in the characters, but manages
to deliver a solid plot. Then you have Bryan Hitch, a master of his craft, drawing the comic. He brings some highly-detailed
characters and great action scenes that help move the story nicely.
On the flipside, I noticed an typo in the comic (what?). Also, the colors, though nice, aren't as great as they could
have been. This a comic with some mature themes in it if you think about getting it for some kids. Even though it is
a #1 issue, I'm not sure if people who never read the previous Ultimates comic will get it. By the way,
how can terrorists in this comic understand english so well (maybe it's me)?
To get my thoughts about this comic in two words-this rocks! With a great story and art to match, the Ultimates does
not disappoint, even with some minor flaws. Buy this now! This comic receives 4.5* out of 5*