It's a boring night. I'm looking through my library for something to entertain me and there it was: Detective Comics
801. Now, I've heard David Lapham was great on his personal projects, but his mainstream work was stiff. So, I went into this
comic expecting a mediocre comic. Would I get that, something worse or something worse.
It's another night in Gotham. People die, people live. Yet, there is one person that patrols the city with a keen eye:
Batman. Seems like another night-gang fights, senseless beatings, spousal abuse. Yet, though all of this, there is one girl
that he will meet that will lead him on a quest...... Also, a normal night a carnival takes a turn for the worse.
First off, Lapham sets the mood of perfectly. He creates a mood for Gotham that is dark and sinister in the first few
pages. When Batman is introduced, he manages to portray him as a symbol of justice attacking the loathsome criminals of the
night. What is even better is the way he continues past those pages.
During the rest of the story, he carries that same sense through the rest of the book. The villains feel rotten, but
realistic in the roles. Though what is worth praise, is the fact that there are multiple characters in this book, yet Lapham
gets all of them down.
As mentioned before, there is another story that is handled by Mike Carey. The plot is nicely done for the short space
that he had to work with and gets the reader prepared for the next part. His characters are handled decently, though they
serve to help the plot move along.
On the art side, Ramon Bachs and John Lucas work as the pencillers for both stories. Bachs handles his task with great
success, capturing the feel of the story with his gritty style. Lucas does well, yet a part of me feels that there could have
been a better artist for the job. However, he manages to capture the bizarre look of the characters.
Overall, this comic is worth your time. Both stories are done well and I'm waiting for the next chapter in these tales.
A quick note though: the first story is the better tale, but that is not saying the second one is not good as well. Lapham
and Carey are inviting you to join the fun and I invite you as well. This comic gets 4.5* out of 5*