alexross422003's zone

Bone Vol. 3:Eyes of the Storm

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"Once again, Bone is a great graphic novel."

Before I start this review, I'm just going to get it out-I like Bone. After reading the first two volumes of this comic, I must say that I like what I'm reading. So when I saw volume three at my local library, I couldn't resist. Would I continue to love the series or hate Bone?
After the Great Cow Race, Phoney and Smiley Bone are in trouble. With a large debt to repay, the boys are preparing to work for Lucius a while. Meanwhile, Fone Bone and Thorn are having some strange dreams. But is there something more to those dreams than what Fone Bone and Thorn know?
As Always, Jeff Smith crafts a nice story. With a solid plot that features some interesting revelations. Smith keeps things balanced. Along with this solid story, Smith provides some nice art. His style reminds me of an old Chuck Jone's cartoon.
Altough this is a great graphic novel, there are some flaws. The humor in this book falls flat. Even if you find Bone to be funny, it doesn't have much humor in this volume. Finally, if you prefer your graphic novels to be in color, you will avoid Bone.
Once again, Bone is a great graphic novel. It features a great story, with an art style to match the story's tone. However, the humor is sparse and flat. With that being said, check this out! This comic receives 4.5* out of 5*.

Comic Facts:
Writer/Artist-Jeff Smith