alexross422003's zone

Runaways 18
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It's the last issue.....for now....

So as you probably know if you've been on this site for a while, I'm loving Runaways. Time and time and time and.....,okay, I'll just say this comic is really good. So when I heard that this was the last issue.... for a while.....I was sad. So as I picked this comic, was it any good?
The story continues months after the events of Runaways 17, with everything coming to a close. Our gang of regular cast members are feeling the after-effects of the last issue. So will the band of Runaways continue together?
For what is it, the 6th time, Brian K. Vaughan delivers. With a strong cast of characters, the comic reads very well. Joining Vaughan is Adrian Alphona, who delivers some great pencils, that complement Vaughan's writing well.
There are no major plot twists in this comic, but every issue can't plot twists in it. Also, this comic won't see the stands until 2005! A little long, but I can wait.
Overall, Runaways 18 delivers.....again. With great writing and great artwork to complement it, Runaways is a great comic. However, I'm a little sad that I'll have to wait until 2005 for the next issue, but, once again, I can wait. This comic receives 4.5* out of 5*

Comic Facts:
Writer-Brian K. Vaughan
Penciller-Adrian Alphona